2022年新西兰技术移民评分表 | 注意:新的时薪中位数标准7月起生效

New Zealand Immigration Skilled Migrant Points System 【引用来源:www.immigration.govt.nz】

Age 年龄得分

Skilled employment 技能工作得分
Current skilled employment in New Zealand or an offer of skilled employment in New Zealand在新西兰从事技术性工作岗位工作或者已经获得新西兰技术性工作聘用合同50分
Bonus points for skilled employment 技能工作额外加分得分
Current skilled employment in New Zealand or an offer of skilled employment in New Zealand in an area of absolute skills shortage在绝对紧缺专业领域工作或者已经获得绝对紧缺专业领域工作聘用合同10分
Current skilled employment or an offer of skilled employment outside the Auckland region在奥克兰以外地区工作或者已经获得奥克兰以外地区的工作聘用合同30分
Current skilled employment or an offer of skilled employment with remuneration of least $46.98 per hour, or the equivalent annual salary现有的技能工作或者工作聘用合同时薪达$46.98或等值年薪20分

Skilled work experience 技能工作经验加分(任何地区)得分
work experience in NZ 新西兰本地工作经验额外加分得分
1 year or more1年或者以上10分
An area of absolute skill shortage 绝对紧缺行业额外加分得分
Additional bonus points for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage: 2 to 5 years: 2年~5年10分
Additional bonus points for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage: 6 years or more拥有绝对紧缺行业的工作经验: 6年或以上15分

Qualifications 学历(任何地区)得分
Recognised level 9 or 10 post-graduate qualification (Master’s degree, Doctorate)level 9~level 10(硕士~博士)70分
Recognised level 7 or 8 qualifications (e.g. bachelor’s degree, bachelor’s degree with Honours)level 7~level 8(学士[本科]~研究生文凭[PGD])50分
Recognised Level 4 – 6 qualification (e.g. Diploma)level 4~level 6(技术证书~大专)40分
Recognised level 3 qualification if included on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment (LQEA)Level 3 (豁免NZQA评估(LQEA)的受认可的学历)40分
New Zealand qualification 新西兰本地学历额外加分得分
2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised bachelor degree (level 7) New Zealand qualification至少2年全日制学习获取的学士(level 7)10分
1 year of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post-graduate New Zealand qualification1年全日制学习获取的level 8~level10学历10分
2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post-graduate New Zealand qualification2年全日制学习获取的研究生以上学历15分

Bonus points from partner 配偶加分得分
Partner’s current skilled employment in New Zealand or offer of skilled employment in New Zealand配偶在新西兰有技能性工作或聘用邀请20分
Recognised qualification at level 7 or 8配偶有新西兰认可的Level7或Level8的学历10分
Recognised qualification at level 9 or above配偶有新西兰认可的level9或者以上的学历20分

1. 评分160分或者以上

2. 具备新西兰本土技能工作:工作职位在澳新标准职业列表(ANZSCO)的Level1-3内且具备相关的学历背景或工作经验

3. 时薪大于等于$27(或等值年薪),2022年7月4日后调整为27.76纽币

4. 英语雅思6.5分水平(有新西兰的本科学位或7级以上学历可赦免雅思要求)


新中国际教育交流中心官方网址: nzciu.com

